Saturday, October 31, 2009


To describe the last few years of my life with words, would be to do them a great dis-service. The english language doesn't even begin to encompass the range of feelings, emotions, senses, or study I have experienced as of late. So, I guess until everyone learns to express/communicate telepathicly or open their minds to their full potential, traditional human communication will have to do ;-) That being said....I do have A LOT to say ;-) I have to admit that I felt a little silly startintg this blog. I guess my insecurities forced me to believe that no one would actually care about or want to hear/learn about the things I've discovered. Fortunately for you ;-) someone/thing inspired me to not care what anyone else thought and convinced me that my knowledge was worth communicating.

After all of the experiences I've had so far in my life, I can't help but feel like a catalyst for something bigger. This blog is a way for me to share with you all of the amazing, funny, confusing, incredible, serendipitous, spiritual, scientific, unbelievable, and pertinent information that seems to find me on a daily basis. Some of it may require you to expand your mind beyond its' "normal" confines and some of it might be really OLD news;-) But either way and in-between, my intention is only of love, compassion, integrity and our higher good.

So enjoy......


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