Tuesday, November 3, 2009

How to stop a cold, DEAD in its' tracks...and other uses for Silver Hydrosol

Whenever I used to feel a cold coming on, I'd take lots of zinc, vitamin C and echinacea.  Then one day the store happened to be out of the zinc and echinacea so I asked the person behind the vitamin counter if she knew of anything else that might be comparable.  When she told me silver, I thought she was kidding.  She showed me the section with all of the silver hydrosol products and explained to me that silver was actually the worlds first intibiotic.  It was very effectively used for centuries before penecillin was discovered as an anti-bacterial and anti-viral and is still considered one of the safest and most effective ways to fight infections and viruses. 
So, I decided to give it a try.  It comes in either a spray or dropper, so you can spray or drop it under your tongue and you can actually use it anywhere on your body; like on a cut, instead of peroxide or alcohol, to keep it from getting infected, or in your ears for an ear infection.
Needless to say I was very surprised when it worked!!!  I started using it twice a day when I noticed the first signs that I might be getting sick, and continued using it for about a week.  The cold never stood a chance.  I've been using it ever since and the only time I've gotten sick was when I stopped using it after two days, instead of going for a whole week.  I also supplement it with capsules of oregano oil.  It's VERY strong, but also helpful. 

Below is a short article I found on silver hydrosol along with some website links that go into it in much more depth.

An in-depth history of silver

Colloidal Silver 101: A Beginners Guide to Colloidal Silver

Sovereign Silver

Oxy Silver Hydrosol

This info can be found at:  http://www.aromatherapy-at-home.com/silver-hydrosol.htmlWhat is silver hydrosol?

What is colloidol silver?
 It is a colloid of micro-fine silver particles dispersed in ultra-pure water, free of any other ingredient or contaminant.It is a pure water which is process by electrolysis with 99.9% pure silver (Ag)with average of silver concentrate 5-10 ppm(parts per million).
History of colloidal silver
Since the beginning of recorded history, silver has been regarded as a premier preservative and immune tool. First time the colloidal silver was introduced by Crepe, 1897. It was an entirely new field as the infectious disease was opened for the internal use of silver colloidal.
Silver Hydrosol in this era
Now, Silver-hydrosol represents the latest advancement in silver technology because the particle size and active state of silver has been shown to be unmatched against any other forms of silver on the market.
According to Dr. Eric Rentz, a notable doctor who has done extensive research into all forms of supplemental silver and has become an authority onsilver hydrosol: “There is no virus or bacteria on the planet anywhere that can stand up to a silver hydrosol. It doesn’t matter if it’s a DNA virus or an RNA virus. With the virus the silver-hydrosol will create a binding that the virus cannot replicate. Thebacteria, and the majority of bacteria species, it simply kills them, just like penicillin would if they were susceptible to penicillin.”
Silver-hydrosol can be taken sublingually on a daily basis to enhance your immune system for all times of the year. During times of immune challenge it can be taken every 15-30 minutes until symptoms are gone.  Using silver-hydrosol in a nasal spray is also effective if you’ve been exposed to the cold or flu in an airborne setting.


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