Monday, April 5, 2010


I thought this was a really accurate and balanced description of Gemini.  Most of the time all you hear about is how fickle and superficial we are and how we can't shut up or actually listen.....which of course, is not true;-) There's a link at the end where you can read about your own sign if you're not a Gemini.

The sun-sign of 'the Twins' takes its name from the two bright stars that dominate the Gemini constellation. Duality is a central feature of its symbolism, and in ancient times the constellation Gemini was seen as a reminder that contradictory forces must be brought together and recognised as mutually dependent upon each other. The two pillars that represent the sign signify the incongruous forces of left and right, black and white, ignorance and understanding, evil and good, death and life.

The myths attached to this sign are characterised by the contradictory aspects of the twins - in the Roman tale they are Pollux, born immortal and possessing great strength, and Castor, born mortal but exceeding in ingenuity and logic. Rather than be parted by death they agree to share immortality by living alternating lives on heaven and earth. The mortal partner turns to intellect to compensate for the immortal vibrancy he does not possess - yet the myth demonstrates the eternal union and mutual reliance of conscious reasoning and unconscious belief in the refusal of the twins to be separated. Thus, this sign can indicate acute polarisation of the spiritual and material, alternation between the extremes of rational logic and instinctive belief, and the quest to reconcile all contradictions in a central threshold where reason and belief, intellect and emotion, masculinity and femininity, merge into one.

How does the Gemini do this? And how do the myths relate to the depiction of the typical Gemini as an individual marked by intellectual leanings and easy communication skills? The fact that Gemini is essentially a sign of polarity which swings rapidly through the realms of the conscious and unconscious, and just as rapidly swings back again, suggests that intellectual propensity is only half of a Geminian's inner motivation. Not enough has been made of the fact that Geminians can suffer from strange and inconsistent moods, that they will demonstrate periods of introverted self reflection in which they need to withdraw from superficial chatterings, just as strongly as they demonstrate the need to engage in it when that period of self-reflection has passed. Geminians do have a rare communicative gift, the basis of it is that their focus is not purely in the world of logic; it also encompasses the domain of the irrational. Geminians have the ability to see both sides of a situation and to communicate between the sides because their dextrous disposition ensures their experience of both extremes. It is less commonly reported that they are often subject to dark irrational broodings, periods of isolation and alienation, materialistic cynicism as well as idealistic inspiration. Yet the flexibility of character that Geminians possess has often been seen as a demonstration of their ability to be two things at once - both the victor and the victim; the healer and the invalid; the teacher and the student; the integration of opposites that never fully separates one partner from the other. This fusion occurs only after independent experience of both extremes has been absorbed, which requires that the antithesis of love, hate; confidence, insecurity; praise and insult; trust and falseness are first encountered as singular incidents before being recognised as two faces of the same coin.

The concept of communication is the true quest of the Geminian, and sun sign depictions dwell on their talents as reporters, teachers, messengers, diplomats, interpreters, linguists and writers. Just as their sun-sign symbolises a regular flow between the experience of extremes, their planetary ruler, Mercury, promotes the communication of it.

In Roman mythology Mercury is the winged messenger and communicator between the gods. The Romans focused upon the speed of the planet and emphasized the qualities of swiftness and 'alternation' in the form of trickery, verbal dexterity and flexibility. Hence Mercury is characterized as the god of thieves and liars as well as being the god of commerce, roads, gymnastic exercises and all that entails mental, verbal or physical deftness. By comparison to its Greek counterpart, Hermes, this is a shallow, superficial aspect of the god of learning, and demonstrates little of the profound, spiritual qualities generally attached to the notion of 'intelligence' by the more ancient cultures.

But in the Greek equivalent Hermes, we see the amalgamation of the Egyptian God of knowledge, Thoth, and the Mesopotamian god of wisdom, Nabu. Hermes offers a more sacred face to the aspect of communication and in his manifestation of 'logical knowledge' Hermes acts as a holy personification of the Mind and Intelligence of the Creator. He is the inventor of language, written words, arithmetic and geometry, and his skill in communication is a direct demonstration of his Divine and Sacred powers - since the ability to define concepts in words, both visually and through sound, was considered by the ancient cultures to be a supernatural gift. Words, and the way they were constructed, were perceived as magical symbols, mirrors of the Divine Mind. Spoken with proper intonation and with the correct spiritual approach, they were the means to summon the gods, heal the sick and command obedience. Writing was a priestly study, held in awe by the uneducated and greatly honoured as a magical, mystical art. Only in the alchemical view of Mercury, as Mercurius, symbol of the process of transmutation, integration, synthesis and illumination, do we come close to restoring the Roman god Mercury with the full glory of his spiritual heritage. It is within this process that communication properly sits, and it is the Geminians, with their ability to experience and synthesize, that hold the keys to 'transmutation'.

Gemini is a sign of endless curiosity driven by an instinct to explore. But they are characterised by 'breadth' not 'depth', so their explorations often lack focus and deep penetration. They are better suited to absorbing 'just enough' of a wide variety of topics, which adds to their reputation as fine conversationalists. They are not usually extreme in their views and are always willing to swap and trade their ideas with others, or change their perspective to suit their company. But they have a strong respect for intellectual independence and need to feel a mental rapport to be fully relaxed with others. Their easy ability to enjoy a broad variety of friends from different interests and inclinations has given Gemini a reputation as an easy and sociable sign, tending towards friendliness and optimism. Geminians are more likely to draw a wide circle of friends and associates than just a few close and intimate contacts and for this reason they have excellent networking talents that allow them to exceed in professional areas on the basis of who they know as much as what they know. They are well suited to any career that requires easy negotiation skills or the ability to express knowledge to others in flexible language that can be easily digested - journalism and teaching being particularly notable - or in professions that call for physical dexterity, light movement, and quick-thinking. The 'alternating' elements of Gemini remind us that this is the sign of trade, barter, exchange and swapping resources. Combined with the instinct for deft actions and quick decision making, Geminis make ideal entrepreneurs, renowned for their ability to manage several projects simultaneously. The sign features strongly in the charts of those who are light on their feet or slight of hand, being traditionally associated with athletes and gymnasts, magicians, conjurers, tricksters, conmen and and pickpockets!

As lovers, Geminians are fun, lively, flirtatious and recognised by their youthful appearance or 'spirit of youth'. But they lack emotional intensity and are uncomfortable with deep emotional ties, particularly if they feel restricted in their freedom to chat and flirt with others. They are often capable of falling in love with two or more lovers simultaneously and are naturally curious to explore the sexual sides to their relationships. Hence a Gemini lover can be the source of endless frustration to a more committed and emotionally intense partner.

Geminians are often accused of being trivial, superficial and fickle. Of course, they can be all of these, but a propensity to inconsistency and changeability also offers facets of a virtue when recognized as the ability to remain responsive to one's surroundings and deal with contradictory demands simultaneously. The mark of this sign is mental agility and 'bridge building'. In order to be understanding and responsive to all, they may at times appear to be 'two faced' or to lack in genuine sincerity. This is the price that must be paid by a disposition that moves with its environment. More than anything else Geminians are regarded as quick thinkers, the best of whom don't just 'act first - think later', but have mastered the pull of the extremes of thinking and feeling, and as a result combine their intellect and intuition with lightning speed, allowing them to think on their feet and deliver an instant, appropriate response.

To read about YOUR sign, go to:  and click on "Select Another Sign"


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