Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Golden Mean and Heart Harmonics

Dan Winter has done in-depth studies with a special piece of equipment--a Heart/EKG Spectrum Analyzer--to look at the human heartbeat and heart harmonics. What Dan found repeatedly is that when an individual was relaxed and receptive and feeling love, the average distance between frequency peaks (heartbeats) recorded on the machine was 1.618.  This number represents the Golden Mean Ratio, the Golden Mean Spiral, which is  an infinite, forever spiral.   It has no beginning and no end.  In addition, when he hooked up two individuals to the machine and they sent love to each other, their waves and peaks lined up at 1.618 -- and so they were, in essence,  two hearts beating as one, into Infinity.   So, when two people are sharing the emotion of deep, reciprocal love, the average space between their hearts' electrical waves is 1.618, the Golden Mean Spiral--which is, literally, Eternal Love.

On the other hand, what Dan found when the individuals he tested were in a purely mental, logical-mind state, was that the average distance between frequency peaks was 1.0, a static, "motionless" number, revealing to us that at the moment we are fully embedded in logic, we are "containers" of energy.   We can hold energy,  but we are not reaching out into the Universe as "distributors" of energy--we are not accessing and utilizing our creative power in the way we do when we are feeling and projecting love.   And so to create what we want, including self-healing, we must move into our hearts.


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