Friday, April 9, 2010

Position Your Intuition: A Mini-Workshop

The following "mini-workshop" was created by Bruce Way in Sydney Australia.  It focuses on developing and integrating your own intuition....... which is something that EVERYONE has, but may not know how to utilize, or even be totally aware of. 

Bruce is a Reiki & Seichim Master, teacher of psychic development, spiritual medium, intuitive business consultant and playwright.  He has written 3 books;  Living Intuitively (Lothian Books and Ten Speed Press), How to Interpret a Psychic Reading (Lothian Books and Ten Speed Press – renamed Psychic or Charlatan), and Healing Energies (Simon & Schuster, Australia).  He comes from a business background (sales and management) - and now writes stage plays, edits non-fiction works and consults to business. Some have described him as the safe bridge between the pragmatic and the esoteric.  He also has a few REALLY amazing articles on  Here's the link, I HIGHLY recommend them!!!

Allow fifteen minutes for this exercise.

Developing your intuition works on two levels. The intellectual, which is contained in my articles and the doing parts, which are primarily meditations and recording your meditations in a journal. Remember that you are the teacher and student of your intuitive school.  You may benefit initially by asking a friend to read the instructions to you. Always allow time to write your thoughts and experiences at the end of each sitting. Now, find a quiet, comfortable place where you will remain undisturbed for one hour.

Please consider the following statement:

At this time in your life, everything is right in your world and your prosperity is assured.

Now you may believe this to be a wild and irrational statement. After all, look at all the events and happenings in your life that are completely out of your control. The people around you don't listen to you, they don't give you what you want, you are so full of social conditioning that you act sometimes like a controlled droid and wonder if you really have a say at all.

Please consider the statement again.

At this time in your life, everything is right in your world and your prosperity is assured.

Relax some more, assume a comfortable position and take three deep breaths. Breathe as deeply as you can and then on the exhale let go of all your tension.

Now say it with me.

At this time in my life, everything is right in my world and my prosperity is assured.

Let's say it again.

At this time in my life, everything is right in my world and my prosperity is assured.

Say it again, aloud with real conviction, feeling this statement in every cell of your body.

At this time in my life, everything is right in my world and my prosperity is assured.

While you were repeating this statement to yourself did you notice the thoughts that seemed to come out of nowhere? It doesn't matter exactly what they were. The interesting thing is, that as you made this statement, something happened. As yet we don't know what. This statement did, however, stimulate at least one thought. If we were to consult a neurologist, and ask for a measurement of that thought, chances are she/he would describe it as a brain-wave or an electrical charge or impulse. Now we know and recognise electricity as energy so we could say that this statement created energy. To continue further, we also know that if we use energy in certain ways, it can create specific happenings, phenomena and events.

Go back again to the statement.

At this time in my life, everything is right in my world and my prosperity is assured.

What thoughts and emotions did it produce? Write them down now because they will reveal hidden thought patterns that are effecting your development. Did you feel empowered? Did you believe that everything IS right in your world. Maybe it brought up other feelings and thoughts, that were far from empowering? The point is, that our very thoughts determine who we are, what we are about, and all facets of the situations in which we find ourselves. Ah-ha, you say. This is all about positive thinking. In a way it is. It's a lot more than that too.

During this phase of our development it is necessary to look into our personal storehouses and recognise just what thoughts, beliefs and attitudes live there. When we discover any unwanted thoughts, then we need to learn how to release them. In later workshops we will practise how to lovingly disallow further negative beliefs from entering our existence. We will use the three powerful tools, of forgiveness, release and denial. Before we get to that, let's take a few minutes to relax and work on that positive statement introduced earlier. Can you remember what it is?

The statement is:

At this time in my life, everything is right in my world and my prosperity is assured.

Whenever you feel that life is not treating you fairly. Relax and feel the power in this statement.

Bruce's website is:  



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